印度水產品出口中國大陸需檢附水產品檢疫合格證明書印度出口檢驗局(EIC)依中國大陸通函規定要求所有出口中國大陸的水產品須檢附水產品檢疫合格證明書,並呼籲業者全力配合以降低出口水產品受到中國大陸新措施的衝擊。而產業界則認為,就算中國大陸認同印度EIC核發的出口證明,出口中國大陸的水產量也不會因此成長多少。由東南亞國協(ASEAN)領軍的東南亞國家近幾年成為印度水永慶房屋產品重要的出口市場。印度近幾年拜成功與東南亞國協簽訂多項貿易協定所賜,東南亞國家對印度出口業的影響力逐漸超越中國大陸;印度出口業期許ASEAN對2013會計年度影響力能躍升重量級。印度與ASEAN於2009年簽訂、2010年1月生效的自由貿易協定中協議:2013年前完成印度進口ASEAN的八成商品免關稅、原對印度進口商品所課的三成關稅能於2014年前降至零關稅。 印度水產品2011-2012會關鍵字排名計年度的出口值達30.5億美元。因東南亞國家生鮮原料魚短缺刺激印度水產品進口量大增,東南亞取代歐洲市場成為印度水產品最大進口市場。泰國與越南對白蝦需求最為強勁;歐洲債信危機減弱水產品需求。歐元走弱導致歐洲買主進口成本攀高。印度海洋水產品出口發展局(MPEDA)預計年度出口值達40億美元,其中囊括印度出口7.1%的中國大陸之產量及產值明顯下滑。(摘譯自INFOFISH Trade 設計裝潢News, No. 11/2012,15 June 2012) SEAFOOD EXPORTS TO CHINA TO GET QUARANTINE CERTIFICATE The Export Inspection Council of India (EIC) will issue the required inspection and quarantine certificate to seafood exports to China following a notification issued by China stipulating that an inspection and quarantine certificate would have to accompany 裝潢all seafood exports to that country. The Export Inspection Council of India added that exports of seafood from India to China would not be affected by the new measure. While China granted its assent to the export certification format furnished by the Export Inspection Council of India the move is not expected to lead to an exponential increase in 酒肉朋友exports to China, according to industry players. Southeast Asia, led by the ASEAN bloc, has in the past few years emerged as a major market for Indian seafood exports. Thus, China’s influence on the Indian seafood industry has been on the wane as exports to Southeast Asian countries are surging, thanks to various Indo-ASEAN trade agreements 土地買賣signed in recent years. Industry expects ASEAN to emerge as a powerful influence in exports to Southeast Asia during fiscal 2013. Under the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with the bloc in 2009, it was decided to eliminate duty on 80% of the goods imported into ASEAN countries by 2013. The agreement came into effect in January 2010, and the original 房屋二胎30% tariff on Indian imports into ASEAN is proposed to be brought down to zero by 2014. During the fiscal year 2011-12, India exported a total of Rs 165 billion (US$3.05 billion) worth of fishery products. Southeast Asia overtook Europe as the largest import market for Indian seafood. This was attributed to the shortage of raw materials in 室內設計Southeast Asian countries which led to higher imports from India . Demand was particularly high for vannamei shrimp and from countries like Thailand and Vietnam . The financial crisis in Europe on the other hand affected demand from Europe. The weak Euro made imports expensive for European buyers. The Marine Products Export Development Authority 開幕活動(MPEDA) projected export turnover to touch US$4 billion for the year, however, decline in exports to China resulted in lower exports. Meanwhile, China accounted for just 7.1% of Indian exports during the period, with a sharp decline in quantity and value.

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